The health and safety of our patients and community is of utmost importance and always will be. As a result of the current state of our province, and the strong recommendations of our governing bodies, Plattsville Natural Health Clinic and all of its practitioners are post-poning all appointments until further notice, effective March 18, 2020. All of our practitioners will be available through email contact if you need their support, a tele-health visit, or to clarify previous treatment recommendations. We will also have some supplements available as needed for our existing patients, where pick up can be arranged. We will be able to answer any phone calls to the clinic and direct you as needed. Please contact us at 226-232-7665 or email us at info.pnhc@gmail.com for any inquiries.
If you have had an appointment booked within the next couple of weeks, we will contact you as your appointment comes up and update you if we are able to see you or if we need to reschedule. We are monitoring the situation on a day-by-day basis in order to minimize treatment and service disruption to you our valued patients.
As a small business, this was a very hard decision to come to and it was not made lightly. We want to thank you for understanding and supporting us in making this difficult decision. Thank you for supporting your local health care clinic and we look forward to helping you achieve your health goals as soon as possible.