Naturopathic Medicine aims at treating the root cause of disease, and not just merely the symptoms. Unfortunately, medicine sometimes looks at an individual merely as a broken arm, rather than looking at the person with that broken arm. Naturopathic Doctor’s (ND) propose to try and look at the individual as a whole, and not merely their parts, and attempt to cure disease through this framework and looking for the cause of disease. A ND might, for example, look at the patient’s living conditions, nutritional status, safety, work conditions, etc., in an attempt to discover what caused the broken bone and how could it be prevented in the future. As a result, each individual is treated as just that, an individual. One treatment might not work for another simply because everyone is different, and the cause of disease can be completely different for two individuals even with the “same” condition.
Part of a NDs approach to care involves incorporating the principles of Naturopathic Medicine into one’s care. The principles of Naturopathic Medicine are: First do no harm, treat the cause of disease, teach healthy living and preventative medicine, heal the whole person, emphasize prevention, and support the healing power of the body. NDs strive to incorporate all of these principles into each patient case in order to treat disease, support the health of the individual, and prevent future disease. A state of balance and harmony is sought after in the body, and thus achieved through this approach to care, as well as through the use of Naturopathic Medicine’s various modalities. The modalities are used to support the patient’s own healing capabilities, and consist of: Botanical Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Hydrotherapy, Homeopathy, Physical Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, and Lifestyle Counselling. These modalities or “services” will be discussed below.
Acupuncture treatments are based Traditional Chinese Medicine’s understanding of how the body works. Based on a person’s signs and symptoms, acupuncture points will be selected, and needles will be inserted into various areas of the body. Acupuncture can be beneficial in helping muscles to relax and releasing endorphins (natural pain killers), but can also bring organs back into natural harmony (helping them to work right). Acupuncture can be useful for many different conditions. For example, acupuncture can be used for diarrhea, colds, coughs, asthma, menstrual problems, headaches, muscle pain, joint pain, swelling, injuries, weight loss, smoking cessation, allergies, fertility concerns, pregnancy, low back pain, fatigue, and more.
Botanical Medicine
A botanical is another name for a plant or herb. A plant or a herb has
medicinal properties just like the different medications that you might be
prescribed by your medical doctor, with the added benefit of occasionally
having a more nourishing effect on the body. For example, some herbs contain
vitamin C on top of being beneficial for inflammation. Some herbs tend to also
have less side effect than some medications making them safer to use. The
different herbs are selected based on your individual presentation and are
combined to make a formula to benefit your personal needs. Botanical medicine
can often be used for a variety of different conditions and health concerns.
They can be used for menstrual concerns, digestive concerns, headaches, fevers,
infections, disrupted sleep, detoxification, stress, and fatigue, along with
many other concerns.
Many people get homeopathy and naturopathic medicine confused with one
another. Homeopathy is one of the many tools in the Naturopathic Doctors toolbox.
Homeopathy involves the use of finite doses of different substances such as
plants, in order to achieve the desired health effects. It can also be
described as a form of energetic medicine that helps to bring the body back
into a state of balance. Homeopathy can be used in infants, children, and in
those taking many different medications because it does not interact with other
medicines. Homeopathy can be used for many different conditions or
presentations, including ADHD, skin conditions, allergies, depression, anxiety,
negative mindsets, and injuries.
Water can be a very powerful tool for healing that is often underestimated.
As Naturopathic Doctors, we use water therapy, called hydrotherapy, which
involves applying different methods of water to the body to promote healing.
This might involve alternating hot and cold water applications to an area, or
even using a sauna to nourish our bodies. Hydrotherapy has an added benefit of
being inexpensive, because most of the time it is just a matter of applying
water to an area. This form of therapy can be used to help those with digestive
concerns, menstrual concerns, muscle aches and pains, joint pain, weight loss,
fatigue, colds, and compromised immune systems. Hydrotherapy can even be
helping in detoxification and improving overall health.
Lifestyle Counselling
Lifestyle Counselling involves guidance on making changes to various areas of your life such as exercise, sleep, working conditions, etc. It can also mean support through emotional upsets, trials and tribulations. Changing different aspects of your lifestyle can be helpful for any condition really, from allergies to catching your Z’s. Lifestyle can also have the impact of treating the root cause of your condition, without dealing with a lot of harsher interventions such as being put on medications that might have not so great side effects.
Nutrition means dietary counselling. So, what does that mean, well it means
guidance and support through changes to your diet, such as cutting out gluten,
or increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables you are eating. This can also
mean assessing whether you are getting enough nutrients to meet your body’s
needs, which could mean supplementing with a vitamin or mineral on top of diet
changes. Though this can be challenging, these are often easy and inexpensive
changes one can make in order to live a healthier life. Having guidance in changing
dietary patterns, or supplementing nutrients, can be beneficial for fatigue,
low energy, high cholesterol, diabetes, atherosclerosis, pain, weight loss
goals, digestive concerns, joint pain, and overall health.
Primary Care
As a naturopathic doctor, we can provide primary care, which involves taking a thorough assessment of your particular condition, symptoms, or concerns. We do this by asking questions, conducting necessary physical exams, obtaining appropriate lab work (e.g. blood tests, urinalysis, etc.), and combine all of these findings together to determine a diagnosis and the root cause of your particular condition. Upon discovering the root cause, we then either provide you with treatment in order to help you with your concern or may even refer you to a different health care provider that may have a more appropriate form of treatment for your concern. As a naturopathic doctor in training, my primary goal is looking for the root cause of your condition, and providing appropriate, timely treatment for that condition.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese medicine is based on the premise that our bodies should
be in a state of harmony and balance, when they are not, disease or sickness
can result. So, the goal of treating by means of traditional Chinese medicine
is to bring the body back into a state of balance through herbal preparations,
acupuncture, and diet and lifestyle. Traditional Chinese medicine views the
body and its organs differently, which can have the benefit of explaining an
individual’s current state, when maybe Western medicine is unable to.
Diagnoses’ are made based on the individual presentation that you have, and a
treatment plan is made that fits your specific needs and concerns. This form of
medicine can be useful in treating many different disease or sickness patterns
including muscle or joint pain, fatigue, low energy, asthma, GERD, motion
sickness, digestive concerns, uterine prolapse, depression, mood disorders,
menstrual concerns, frequent colds, colds, infertility, low or high libido, and
Lab Testing
Our naturopathic doctors can order similar tests to your medical doctor, but they are to be paid for out of pocket. in addition, they can order other diagnostic tests such as food sensitivity testing. For more information please contact us about these testing options!
About Dr. Elisha Cook ND
Dr. Elisha Cook ND has always had a passion for naturopathic medicine, but began the pursuit into it when she struggled with various health concerns that benefited from a holistic approach to medicine. Her career was founded by a passion for helping people to find hope, get to the root cause of their health concerns, and live with a high quality of life.
With this passion in mind, she went on to complete a four year Honours in Bachelor of Health Science at the University of Western Ontario. While here, she received extra training in areas including Motivational Interviewing, Occupational Health and Safety, and Health Promotion. Upon graduating, Dr. Elisha Cook ND began her educational journey at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM) in Toronto Ontario. She completed the four year professional post – graduate program, which included one full year of internship at the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic, and a portion of time spent at Anishnawbe Health Toronto (a health clinic specific for the Aboriginal population). She graduated from the program, having completed her Bachelor of Naturopathy, completed all board exams for certification, and has since been practicing as a licensed Naturopathic Doctor.
Dr. Elisha Cook ND started Plattsville Natural Health Clinic in Plattsville, Ontario, and practices here solely. She has a special interest in mental health including anxiety, stress and depression; fertility; pain management; and weight loss; but welcomes patients of all ages and levels of health.
Book an appointment with Dr. Elisha Cook ND and see how she can help you with your health care needs, and help you achieve your health care goals.
About Dr. Derika Nauta ND

Dr. Derika Nauta ND has recently completed her 4-year degree from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM). During her last year of studies, Dr. Derika Nauta ND completed a clinical internship where she worked on the sports medicine shift as well as at the local community health clinic in North York. She also had the opportunity to learn and work under the supervision of Dr. Elisha Cook ND at PNHC for the last 12 weeks of her clinical year. In addition to passing all required licensing examinations, Dr. Derika Nauta ND also successfully completed the Therapeutic Prescribing exam which allows her to add the controlled act of prescribing to her clinical tool box.
Dr. Derika Nauta ND’s passion for naturopathic medicine was first ignited while studying health science and biology at the university of western ontario. It was here where she was first introduced to the concepts which explain why some people seem to be healthier than others. Like many others, she too assumed that health was ultimately determined by one’s genetics. However, to her delight, she discovered that while certain genes may increase one’s susceptibility to disease, it is the daily habits and choices that truly dictate one’s health outcomes and overall quality of life. The theory that health can be influenced through behaviour ignited her journey to pursuing naturopathic medicine. Dr. Derika Nauta ND’s ultimate goal is to ensure that every patient has both the tools and knowledge to not only to improve their health concerns, but to also prevent progression.
Dr. Derika Nauta ND has a special interest in health optimization, healthy aging, women’s health, acne and skin health, sports medicine, weight loss, and digestive health, but is also happy to help with any health concern. Dr. Derika Nauta ND believes in treating based on the principles of the therapeutic order, meaning that she helps patient’s optimize their foundation of health, such as nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle habits, and then utilizes nutraceutical supplementation, botanical medicine, traditional chinese medicine, as well as physical modalities such as cupping and acupuncture, to support when necessary. Dr. Derika Nauta ND does not believe in a “one size fits all” model and creates individualized treatment plans for each and every one of her patients.
Dr. Derika Nauta ND is very excited to be joining the Plattsville Natural Health Clinic and is now available for appointments. Book an appointment with her today to see how she may be able to help you!