Preventing and Treating Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) can be quite difficult to tolerate and sometimes even to treat. By incorporating various lifestyle changes, one can decrease their chances of getting a urinary tract infection. By incorporating these various changes when you do have a urinary tract infection, one may also be able to better recover from a urinary tract infection. One of the main areas of focus for preventing a urinary tract infection revolves around decreasing exposure to contaminants or possible “infectious agents”. This is not a comprehensive list of how to completely approach a urinary tract infection, and so, if you are experiencing a UTI, please seek medical advice, such as that from a naturopathic doctor.

Lifestyles changes that can help prevent urinary tract infections:

  • Wipe from front to back – wiping from back to front can cause transmission of known UTI causing bacteria from anus to the urethra.
  • Avoid using harsh soaps to clean the urethral and vaginal area.
  • Ensure underwear is only worn for one day before washing.
  • Determine if you have allergies to soaps, clothing detergent, etc.; and avoid the irritating substance.
  • Consider sources of re-infection such as partners, sex toys, and underwear.
  • Make sure to wash sex toys thoroughly after every use.
  • Ensure fully emptying of bladder when urinating.
  • Urinate before and after sexual intercourse.
  • Ensure adequate hydration (i.e. Drink plenty of water).
  • Avoid perfumed toilet paper, soaps, etc.
  • Wear cotton underwear – this can help to better ventilate the urethral area and decrease chances of a UTI.

Diet changes that can help prevent urinary tract infections

  • Eat a diet rich in whole foods with little or no sugar or refined carbohydrates – Sugar and refined carbohydrates can feed certain bacteria and help them to thrive.
  • Avoid known food allergies/sensitivities. If you are curious if you have any, you can contact myself and book an appointment to better determine this.
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol – these substances can dehydrate and make an individual more prone to UTIs.

What to avoid in order to prevent urinary tract infections:

  • Wearing thong underwear – similar to wiping from back to front, a thong can act as a “super highway” for bacteria.
  • Wearing underwear to bed.
  • Wearing panty-liners.
  • Holding urine in bladder for extended periods of time.

What to do if you have or suspect a urinary tract infection:

  • In the event of a urinary tract infection, it is important to follow the suggestions mentioned above in addition to the following:
  • Seek medical care – some urinary tract infections in certain individuals may require an antibiotic or further assessment.
  • Drink sugar – free cranberry juice – Cranberry can help to remove the bacteria from the ductal wall and help to eliminate the infection more quickly.
  • Drink plenty of water – drinking water can help to flush out the infection more quickly.
  • Watch for signs of fever or complications – a fever and back pain may be a sign that the urinary tract infection is getting worse. If this happens, do not delay in seeking emergent medical care.
  • Increase your parsley intake – parsley has some anti-bacterial properties that make it effective at fighting off and killing bacteria that cause urinary tract infections.
  • Increase your blueberry intake – similar to cranberries, blueberries have several properties in them that help to remove bacteria from the ductal wall and eliminate them from the body.

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Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Dr. Elisha Cook ND by calling 519-537-7058 and book your appointment today!

Natural Remedies for Athlete’s Foot

Summer is a great season for playing sports, getting out, and being active. With all of the excess heat, moving around, and protective gear, Athletes’ Foot can often result. You might be asking “What exactly is Athletes’ Foot, and how do I know if I have it?” It is my hope that this blog will provide you with the information you need to identify it in yourself and your family, and give you some time tested home remedies that I and my family have found useful.

What is Athletes’ Foot?

Athletes’ Foot is a form of a fungal infection that can affect the skin between the toes, and possibly spread to the toe nails. Often, you might experience itching and burning pain, with skin scaling and areas of white skin. As mentioned above, this can spread to the toe nails, where a build-up of debris can begin underneath the toe nail and even cause the toe nail to fall off.

What can I do to prevent?

First and foremost is prevention. Making sure the area is kept as dry as possible is important for preventing it from occurring. Several ways that you can do this is making sure you wear “fresh” socks (not reusing socks after a day’s worth of use), and drying your feet thoroughly after a showering. Some people have even used baking soda in their shoes to make sure that their feet stay dry.

What can I do at home to treat this?

There are quite a few different ways you can treat this at home. Below, I have provided several different treatments my family and I have used at home with success!

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil can be applied directly to the area in order to treat the fungal infection. Alternatively, 2 drops of tea tree oil can be put into a foot bath. For the foot bath, simply leave your feet soaking in warm water (to your tolerance) for 15-20 minutes.

Epsom Salt Foot Bath

Not only are Epsom salt foot baths useful for athletes’ foot, but it is also a great way to relax after a long day at work. The salt will help kill off any infection, as well, the magnesium will help to soothe the area.

Black Tea Foot Bath

I like using black tea foot baths to treat athletes’ foot, because not only is it effective, but most people have tea bags at home that they can use without trying to find specific ingredients or products that they have never even heard of let alone used at a store. You simply add 1-2 tea bags to your hot foot bath and let soak for 15-20 minutes.


Though this treatment can be a bit messy, it is quite effective for treating fungal infections. To apply garlic to the area, you can mince it and apply it directly to the skin. The caution I would give to you for this is that it might burn and be uncomfortable. I would use this as a last resort if the other home remedies did not work first, because of the possible discomfort involved with this.

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Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, please contact Elisha Cook for more information.


Top 5 Homeopathics to Keep at Home

homeopathyPersonally, I love homeopathy and using it to treat my own ailments. I have found a great benefit from using them time and time again, and so, like to keep a stock of them at home for when various occasions arise. What I like about using homeopathic remedies is that it does not interact with other medications and is safe for use in any age group. For your benefit, I have chosen just a few of the remedies that I, or others, have found useful: 


If I had to choose only one remedy, this would be it. Arnica is great for any bumps, bruises, aches, pains, shock, or just trauma in general. I like to take this remedy if I get hurt, into a car accident, hit my head, anything where I was not expecting the injury to occur, or reacted strongly from it. I have actually used this when getting a new ear piercing as well to take down the pain for the first while, and found this to help with speeding up the healing process in general.


This is a good remedy for those of you who are prone to being stung by bees or insects in general. Apis is indicated for injuries that are swollen, hot, and burning in pain, hence it being so good for bee stings. A colleague of mine used this when she was stung near the eye, and found the swelling to go down almost instantaneously!


I have used this remedy several times and like to keep it on hand because of its useful ness. This homeopathic remedy is good for nerve pain, specifically, sharp shooting pain. This makes it good for spinal injuries as well as injuries to nerves such as carpal tunnel like pain or hitting your “funny bone”.


Either of these remedies are good for you moms and dads to have at home for your young ones. Both of these remedies are good for infants that are having colic or going through teething. You might choose one over the other depending on your child’s personality. Chamomile for the cranky, wanting to be picked up, but then not wanting to be held infant. Where as, Pulsatilla is for the infant that wants to be picked up, and is much calmer from being picked up. This is not the full extent of what these remedies entail, but it should be enough information to help you choose which one your child might need. Ideally, putting the remedy in water and giving it to your infant this way would be best.


Finally, Calendula is a great homeopathic cream or remedy to have around in the case of superficial scrapes and burns. This remedy should not be taken with deep cuts or extensive burns, but should help those with mild scrapes and burns feel better.

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Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, please book an appointment with Elisha Cook at the RSNC today and let me help you achieve your health goals.



Top 5 Herbal Teas to Keep at Home

Transparent cup of green tea with lime on wooden backgroundHerbal teas are great not only for their relaxing capacity, but also for their medicinal benefit. Having teas available at home for some common ailments provides a convenient way to have some home treatments, but also to save money and time. The following is a list of a few teas I have at home, that I have found to be beneficial with some common ailments.


Echinacea is a great tea to keep at home when you feel like you might be coming down with a cold, or just feel the need to “boost” your immune system. It has the most benefits when it is taken right when you start to feel like you might be coming down with something. A great addition to this tea when you are trying to fight that cold is honey for its bacterial fighting capabilities!


Chamomile is a nice tea to have at home for several reasons. Firstly, chamomile can be beneficial when you have an upset stomach, difficulty digesting food, constipation, or any other difficulties with your gastrointestinal tract. Its calming properties make it beneficial for soothing the gastrointestinal system as well as calming the mind. Specifically, chamomile can be beneficial if you are having a difficult time sleeping. Taking a cup of chamomile before bed might help to prepare your mind and body for sleep.

Green Tea 

I am sure many of you were anticipating this tea being on the list due to all of the hype that this tea often gets. All hype aside, this tea is great for many different circumstances based on its components helping to fight infections, stimulate the mind, and promote health. Green tea helps to kill off infective agents that might be attacking the body, and so is also beneficial when you feel a cold coming on. Green tea also has the unique ability of helping one to regain focus and attention without being as stimulating as coffee. Finally, green tea has many antioxidants making it beneficial for overall health.


Raspberry Leaf is a great tea for females to have on hand, especially when Mother Nature makes her monthly visits. Raspberry leaf tea can be helpful when experiencing cramping from your menstrual period.


Nettle is a great addition to your tea pantry for several reasons. Nettle is able to help “clean” the blood, making it beneficial for acne. For this reason, Nettle tea is also beneficial for helping those who suffer from allergies. As well, Nettle is a herb that has been promoted as a “male tonic”.

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Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, please book an appointment with Elisha Cook at the RSNC today and let me help you achieve your health goals.