Naturopathic Tips for Travel

P1010249Travelling abroad can take its toll on the body, and provide many opportunities for exposure to diverse bacteria and environments. As a result, it may be beneficial to prepare your body for the potential shock and harm that it could come into contact with. Some of these areas are important to focus on when planning for a trip. In addition, as always not everything recommended below is beneficial for everyone, so please contact your naturopathic doctor or health care provider to determine a plan that is best for you.

Prime Your Digestive System

With travelling to different countries, many are exposed to a variety of different foods and as I mentioned bacteria. If your digestive system is not prepared, this can leave you experiencing such symptoms as diarrhea or constipation. These symptoms could even be compounded by even worse scenarios including parasitic infections or bacterial infections. In order to prevent these symptoms and prepare for exposure to different items, several steps can be taken to boost your digestive immune system. Probiotics taken for about one month leading up to a trip can help with prevention of traveller’s diarrhea. In addition, such hydrotherapy techniques such as castor oil packs can help prime the digestive system by helping to produce more white blood cells to prevent infection.

Boost Your Immune System

By boosting your immune system prior to a trip, one can potentially prevent infections as well as fight infections more efficiently. Some ways that one can boost their immune system prior to a trip include taking a multi-vitamin, vitamin C, juicing, or even fasting prior to the trip. In addition, the probiotic that was mentioned above may also help to boost one’s immune system.

Ground Yourself

When flying, it can cause a negative impact on our body leaving us feeling a bit unbalanced. By grounding oneself following a flight, it may help individuals to better adjust and adapt to being back on the ground. There are many different ways that one can ground themselves, some of which may be easier to do than others. Grounding techniques can include laying on the ground as soon as possible for about 20 minutes, meditation, or washing your hands in running water. The last technique may seem unusual, but there is research suggesting that because water is connected to the earth, it can be a great way to ground yourself.

Reset Your Internal Clock

Travelling between time zones can take its toll and cause jet lag. For some, the adjustment can take as long as the trip itself, by which point you may have to endure the jetlag again. Ways to combat this include grounding techniques mentioned above, as well as melatonin. Melatonin is a natural component found in the body that regulates our sleep and wake cycles. In other words, melatonin can aid with sleep and thus help with the adjustment to new sleep times.

Preparing at Work and Home Before

Stress can result from the work that piles up at home and work while one is away. By making lists for when you get back, it can help regain focus on what needs to be accomplished after arriving home from a trip. Technology has also made it easier to prepare in such ways as automatic billing. This may cause more distress for some, and so it is important to prepare in a way that will most benefit you and decrease your stress burden.

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Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Dr. Elisha Cook ND by calling 519-537-7058 and book your appointment today!

Surviving Exam Season

Grunge image of a stressed overworked man studyingExam time is a stressful and challenging time regardless of what educational institute you are in. As a result, healthy lifestyle and eating habits often “go down the drain”. Over the many exam periods I have had to endure, I have developed tips and tricks to help me stay “above water” when it came to my health and my needs. In addition to studying, it is my hope that developing these healthy habits will help you not only ace your exams, but survive the exam season.

Prepare healthy snacks in advance

Having snacks already made such as cut up vegetables and fruit will help you to avoid the temptation of going for “easy” snack food such as chips, candy, pastries, etc.

Prepare meals in advance

Similar to the point above, cooking meals in advance helps to avoid the temptation to eat out and grab that big mac as opposed to a salad. Often, I cook my meals on weekends in preparation for the week. This way, I know I have a quick and healthier choice to rely on.

Green tea

Green tea has a constituent in it called “theanine”. Theanine helps you to be able to focus without the jittery feeling that coffee can often give. As a result, green tea is great for those long study sessions.

Chamomile Tea (or a relaxing tea) before bed

Not only will this help you to sleep better, but it is also a therapeutic action that helps prepare your mind and body for bed. Which leads to my next point. . .


Sleep is important not only for your health but also for your memory prior to exams. Research has shown that getting the 8 hours of sleep before an exam is more beneficial than “pulling an all-nighter”. So do your body and you a favor and sleep.

It is okay to take breaks

Giving yourself permission to take breaks is important. It helps change the way you are thinking and allows your brain to function better and be more productive.


Exercise has many health benefits including helping our brains to function effectively, improving energy, and improving mood, all of which are important during exam time. As little as 20 minutes per day has shown to be enough to experience health benefits from exercise. Even if you go for a short walking around your residence or block for a break would be enough to help you refocus and gain a different perspective on your studying.

Deep breathing prior to exams

Finally, breathing is important. Deep breathing prior to exams can help calm you and focus you on what needs to be accomplished. With this in mind, remember to keep things in perspective by asking yourself, is this really a big deal? What would happen if I did fail (realistically)? Often putting things into perspective helps us when we are facing these challenging times.

Have you benefitted from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Dr. Elisha Cook ND by calling 519-537-7058 and book your appointment today!

Naturopathic Approaches and Management of Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke

Tired Woman Sweating After RunningWhen spring and summer come around, most individuals enjoy being outside. However, with the temperatures on the rise, many could potentially develop heat exhaustion or heat stroke if they are not careful. This blog is meant to provide you with preventative measures, signs and symptoms to look out for, and what you can do if you or another individual experiences heat exhaustion or heat stroke.


Ultimately, it is more beneficial to prevent heat exhaustion and heat stroke in the first place. The following is a list of things that you can do to prevent both:

  • Dress weather appropriate – not too warmly and lighter in colour
  • Wear a hat if you will be spending a significant amount of time in the sun
  • Avoid activities in the late afternoon when the sun is at the highest point in the sky
  • Perform activities in the shade when possible
  • Keep hydrated – make sure to have a drink of water every 15 – 20 minutes
  • Avoid excessive amounts of caffeine and alcohol

Signs and Symptoms

Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are quite different in their presentation and severity. Heat exhaustion is the lesser in regards to severity when compared to heat stroke. Heat exhaustion presents with the following:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness and Confusion
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Feeling Nauseous
  • Sweating
  • Pale clammy skin
  • Muscle Cramps
  • Fast and Weak Pulse
  • Shallow Breathing

Heat stroke on the other hand is slightly more severe:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness and Discomfort
  • Restlessness and Confusion
  • Hot, Flushed, and Dry Skin
  • Low Level of Response or Consciousness
  • Full and Strong Pulse
  • Body Temperature Above 40 degrees Celsius


How you might manage either situation is very similar, but in the case of heat stroke, it is best to call Emergency Medical Services (EMS) for help in order to better aid this individual. Otherwise, the following recommendations could be made for both in most cases:

  • Get to a cooler place (eg. in the shade)
  • Have the individual lay down with their legs raised
  • Rehydrate the individual with cool water
  • Recommend that the individual seek Health Care regardless of how quickly they recover
  • If their condition gets worse, call EMS

In addition to the above recommendations, for heat stroke, it is wise to cool the individual down with cool clothes being applied to the body and a fan being placed near them. It is necessary to bring their core body temperature down to around 38 degrees Celsius.

Naturopathic Additional Tips

In addition to the above management, some additional measures could be applied AFTER the above management is followed:

  • Coconut water or aloe vera juice can be used to help rehydrate
  • Glonoinum homeopathic can be used to aid with symptoms from heat stroke
  • China homeopathic can be used for extreme fluid loss resulting in heat stroke
  • Applying an peppermint essential oil to the feet and cooling clothes to help lower body temperature
  • Applying an onion to the feet to help lower body temperature
  • Contrast showers daily to help prevent lack of acclimatization
  • Seek naturopathic care regularly to help your body be in the best shape it can be

Have you benefitted from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Elisha Cook via the contact portion of this website.

