Health Benefits of Sun Exposure

Autumn Girl enjoying nature on the field. Beauty Girl Outdoors rMany public health campaigns are aimed at reducing sun exposure to address potential skin cancer risks and concerns. However, completely abstaining from sun exposure in general could be more detrimental to your health than good. As with many of the recommendations I give, everything in moderation. That being said, 10-15 minutes of direct sun exposure (including not having sun glasses on but obviously not looking directly into the sun) can have many different health benefits. Please be aware that this timing might be different for individuals who are sun – sensitive or those taking medications that increase your sensitivity to the sun. It is also important to use sun protection when the UV index is above 3.

This blog serves to provide you, my readers, with some information on how your health may improve from soaking up some sun.

Vitamin D Production

It is difficult to talk about sunlight exposure without talking about vitamin D. Our bodies need sunlight in order to produce vitamin D, which could benefit many conditions including depression, cancer, colds, illness, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), immune functioning.

Improved Sleep

With adequate sun exposure, we allow the natural processes and hormone regulation in our bodies to take place, specifically for melatonin. When we are exposed to sunlight (or artificial light) in the mornings, we are able to produce melatonin sooner in the evening, leading to an easier time falling asleep at night. This has been shown to be beneficial for insomnia, premenstrual syndrome, and SAD.

Mood Enhancement

Neurotransmitters are also impacted by sunlight, specifically serotonin. Serotinin is what I like to call a “happy neurotransmitter”. It helps to elevate mood and bring about mental clarity in general when it is in adequate supply. Serotonin is directly impacted by melatonin, and so, serotonin becomes higher when we receive enough sunlight exposure. As a result, the serotonin received could help with depression, SAD, poor energy, and poor concentration.

Immune System Regulation

Sun exposure can aid the immune system through many different mechanisms. Ultimately it helps the immune system remove immune cells that might attack your own body (self – reactive T cells) and thus prevent or help with the management of autoimmune conditions such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis, Vitiligo, Multiple Sclerosis, Cancer, and some forms of Hypothyroidism.

Decrease Oxidative Stress

Though too much sun exposure can cause oxidative stress, adequate amounts can help limit oxidative stress. This can help with gene repair and limit DNA damage.

Increase Endorphins

Direct sun exposure has also shown to increase blood levels of endorphins, which could help to decrease pain and improve mood overall.

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Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, please contact Elisha Cook at the Contact portion of the website for more information.
