We are taking Chiropractic, Pedorthic and Naturopathic Appointments!
We are excited to announce that on Monday June 1, 2020 we will be reopening, and so we are booking appointments for our chiropractic, pedorthic and naturopathic services (massage is on hold for now)! The clinic and its operations will not look the same as it did before, and with that, we would like to update our patients and future patients on the systems we have in place in order to maximize everyone’s safety.

What We Are Doing
Hand Hygiene
- Hand sanitizer is readily available throughout the clinic and included at Hand Sanitizing Stations.
- As per standard public health policies, all healthcare providers are required to wash their hands between patients, and so, we will continue to do so.
- The clinic will have signs posted regarding proper hand hygiene and proper use of masks.
- Signs will be posted encouraging individuals to wash their hands upon arrival to the clinic.
- Staff will be making it known to patients to wash their hands upon arrival .
- A contact record will be kept daily on all individuals that enter the clinic – you are not required to participate in this, but we will be tracking who comes into the clinic for public health concerns.
- You will receive a reminder regarding your appointment, which will include screening for risk of COVID-19.
- When you arrive for your appointment, you will be screened for risk of COVID-19 as well.
- Each practitioner and staff member is screened prior to the start of each of their shifts.
Social Distancing
- You will receive a Phone Call or Text when you are safe to enter the clinic for your appointment.
- We will be attempting to group patient visits differently to limit your time at the clinic, and limit all practitioners being exposed to one another and their respective patients if possible.
- A barrier has been installed at the front desk.
- If there is a need for you to wait in the waiting room, the seats have been spaced 6 feet apart.
- Patient appointments will be spaced apart to accommodate cleaning/disinfecting and to reduce cross traffic.
Personal Protective Equipment
- All practitioners will be wearing surgical/medical masks or face shields.
- Masks are mandatory (unless the individual is 2 years or younger).
- All practitioners are clothed in clinic specific attire which reduces what they are potentially bringing into the clinic in regards to pathogens.
- The clinic will be cleaned and disinfected 3x per day and/or after each individual use (eg bathroom will be cleaned and disinfected after every individual use).
- Each treatment room will be cleaned and disinfected after every patient encounter.
What We Need From You
- Please be patient with us. We have never been through a pandemic, and are learning and adapting as we go. We are focused on your utmost safety.
- Please be respectful of the fact that we as practitioners are human and may feel it unsafe to treat you as we did in previous capacities and may choose to either not book appointments or revise old methods of treatment.
- Please wear a mask to your appointment.
- Please be honest with screening as it helps us to guarantee safety.
- If you are sick or do not feel well, please give us as much warning as you can and reschedule your appointment.
We want to thank you all again for your patience and encouragement, and we look forward to joining forces with you in achieving your health goals once again!