Naturopathic Approaches and Management of Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke

Tired Woman Sweating After RunningWhen spring and summer come around, most individuals enjoy being outside. However, with the temperatures on the rise, many could potentially develop heat exhaustion or heat stroke if they are not careful. This blog is meant to provide you with preventative measures, signs and symptoms to look out for, and what you can do if you or another individual experiences heat exhaustion or heat stroke.


Ultimately, it is more beneficial to prevent heat exhaustion and heat stroke in the first place. The following is a list of things that you can do to prevent both:

  • Dress weather appropriate – not too warmly and lighter in colour
  • Wear a hat if you will be spending a significant amount of time in the sun
  • Avoid activities in the late afternoon when the sun is at the highest point in the sky
  • Perform activities in the shade when possible
  • Keep hydrated – make sure to have a drink of water every 15 – 20 minutes
  • Avoid excessive amounts of caffeine and alcohol

Signs and Symptoms

Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are quite different in their presentation and severity. Heat exhaustion is the lesser in regards to severity when compared to heat stroke. Heat exhaustion presents with the following:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness and Confusion
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Feeling Nauseous
  • Sweating
  • Pale clammy skin
  • Muscle Cramps
  • Fast and Weak Pulse
  • Shallow Breathing

Heat stroke on the other hand is slightly more severe:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness and Discomfort
  • Restlessness and Confusion
  • Hot, Flushed, and Dry Skin
  • Low Level of Response or Consciousness
  • Full and Strong Pulse
  • Body Temperature Above 40 degrees Celsius


How you might manage either situation is very similar, but in the case of heat stroke, it is best to call Emergency Medical Services (EMS) for help in order to better aid this individual. Otherwise, the following recommendations could be made for both in most cases:

  • Get to a cooler place (eg. in the shade)
  • Have the individual lay down with their legs raised
  • Rehydrate the individual with cool water
  • Recommend that the individual seek Health Care regardless of how quickly they recover
  • If their condition gets worse, call EMS

In addition to the above recommendations, for heat stroke, it is wise to cool the individual down with cool clothes being applied to the body and a fan being placed near them. It is necessary to bring their core body temperature down to around 38 degrees Celsius.

Naturopathic Additional Tips

In addition to the above management, some additional measures could be applied AFTER the above management is followed:

  • Coconut water or aloe vera juice can be used to help rehydrate
  • Glonoinum homeopathic can be used to aid with symptoms from heat stroke
  • China homeopathic can be used for extreme fluid loss resulting in heat stroke
  • Applying an peppermint essential oil to the feet and cooling clothes to help lower body temperature
  • Applying an onion to the feet to help lower body temperature
  • Contrast showers daily to help prevent lack of acclimatization
  • Seek naturopathic care regularly to help your body be in the best shape it can be

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Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Elisha Cook via the contact portion of this website.



Natural Remedies for Athlete’s Foot

Summer is a great season for playing sports, getting out, and being active. With all of the excess heat, moving around, and protective gear, Athletes’ Foot can often result. You might be asking “What exactly is Athletes’ Foot, and how do I know if I have it?” It is my hope that this blog will provide you with the information you need to identify it in yourself and your family, and give you some time tested home remedies that I and my family have found useful.

What is Athletes’ Foot?

Athletes’ Foot is a form of a fungal infection that can affect the skin between the toes, and possibly spread to the toe nails. Often, you might experience itching and burning pain, with skin scaling and areas of white skin. As mentioned above, this can spread to the toe nails, where a build-up of debris can begin underneath the toe nail and even cause the toe nail to fall off.

What can I do to prevent?

First and foremost is prevention. Making sure the area is kept as dry as possible is important for preventing it from occurring. Several ways that you can do this is making sure you wear “fresh” socks (not reusing socks after a day’s worth of use), and drying your feet thoroughly after a showering. Some people have even used baking soda in their shoes to make sure that their feet stay dry.

What can I do at home to treat this?

There are quite a few different ways you can treat this at home. Below, I have provided several different treatments my family and I have used at home with success!

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil can be applied directly to the area in order to treat the fungal infection. Alternatively, 2 drops of tea tree oil can be put into a foot bath. For the foot bath, simply leave your feet soaking in warm water (to your tolerance) for 15-20 minutes.

Epsom Salt Foot Bath

Not only are Epsom salt foot baths useful for athletes’ foot, but it is also a great way to relax after a long day at work. The salt will help kill off any infection, as well, the magnesium will help to soothe the area.

Black Tea Foot Bath

I like using black tea foot baths to treat athletes’ foot, because not only is it effective, but most people have tea bags at home that they can use without trying to find specific ingredients or products that they have never even heard of let alone used at a store. You simply add 1-2 tea bags to your hot foot bath and let soak for 15-20 minutes.


Though this treatment can be a bit messy, it is quite effective for treating fungal infections. To apply garlic to the area, you can mince it and apply it directly to the skin. The caution I would give to you for this is that it might burn and be uncomfortable. I would use this as a last resort if the other home remedies did not work first, because of the possible discomfort involved with this.

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Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, please contact Elisha Cook for more information.


Naturopathic Approaches for Depression

Depression - Narrative photoDepression can be a very crippling condition to experience despite it being classified as a mental health condition. However, there are treatments that can help, that can be provided through your naturopathic doctor. A Naturopathic doctor can use the following therapies to achieve therapeutic benefits in depression:

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture
  • Botanical Medicine
  • Nutrition, Diet and Lifestyle
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Homeopathy
  • Physical Medicine

Ultimately, the goal of treatment will be to treat the root cause of disease. This will be different for each individual based on the cause of depression for that specific individual, eg nutrient deficiency vs. grief. As a result, the following list offers examples as to what goals might be developed for a treatment plan for an individual:

  • Correct for deficiencies
  • Reduce stress or Improve stress management
  • Improve coping mechanisms
  • Improve mood
  • Alter lifestyle and diet to increase mood and reduce stress
  • Improve gut microbiology and digestion

How can Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) help?

TCM views the body differently than western medicine. TCM theory suggests that when there is an imbalance in the body system, disease manifests. Each “organ” is associated with an emotion: Heart with joy and is the center of one’s personality, liver with anger, spleen with worry, lungs with grief, and kidneys with fear. As one can see, all of these organs could play a part in depression, and so, individual cases are taken, and the root cause is determined. Once a specific diagnosis is made, a treatment plan is created, and may involve using acupuncture, herbal formulas, diet, or lifestyle, all with the purpose of bringing the body back into a state of balance.

Specifically regarding acupuncture, acupuncture has been shown in some studies to be beneficial for depression and decreasing symptoms associated with depression. The following link offers one such study where benefits were received from acupuncture.

How can Botanical Medicine help?

Botanical formulas have similar effects to medications, often without the side effects, however this is not true for all herbs and plants. Specific herbs or plants will be selected based on their properties and combined based on the specific individual’s presentation of depression. For example, one person may need help with sleep, where as one may need help with stress, both in combination with needing help with mood. Some beneficial properties that some useful herbs may have include: nervine, anti – depressant effect, sedative and adaptogenic.

There are several plants that have more research behind them in regards to their use in depression, but other plants exist that are effective as well. Research has shown that such plants are beneficial for various degrees of depression. The following link offers one such study where the benefits of various plants were outlined:

How can Nutrition and Diet help?

Depression can be aggravated or caused by various nutritional deficiencies. Therefore, it may be necessary to correct for these deficiencies in order to treat the root cause of the depression. In addition, various changes to one’s diet can help to improve mood and decrease inflammation (and thereby decrease inflammation in the body, which may contribute to the depression). Based on your specific case, several classes of action may be recommended for you, and thus foods or supplements recommended. These actions might include: anti-oxidant, mood – boosting, or anti – inflammatory.

Research has shown that not only are nutritional deficiencies associated with depressive symptoms, but specific dietary patterns can be associated with depression. For example, diets that were higher in fruits and vegetables were associated with less depressive symptoms, where as diets that were deemed lower in fruits and vegetables were more likely to be associated with depression (

How can Hydrotherapy help?

Hydrotherapy involves alternating hot and cold water applications to achieve the following goals: promote detoxification and relaxation, increase circulation, improve immune system functioning, promote digestion, and decrease pain. Based on all of the following actions, hydrotherapy could be beneficial for depression based on different root causes. For example, if an individual is depressed because they are stressed, hydrotherapy may be beneficial by helping the individual to relax.

Hydrotherapy can be performed via a number of methods: constitutional hydrotherapy, sauna, peat bath, Epsom salt baths, or alternating hot and cold showers. These therapies may not be available at every naturopathic doctor’s clinic, but if you are interested in these therapies, they can be performed by myself, Elisha Cook, at the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic (416-498-9763).

Very little evidence has surfaced for the efficacy of hydrotherapy to treat depression, however, the research that has surfaced has been quite promising. The article link provided below shows a study where depressed patients were given hydrotherapy treatments ending in cold (most hydrotherapy ends in cold for approximately 30 seconds), that caused anti – depressive effects soon following treatment (

How can Homeopathy help?

Homeopathy is an energy medicine that involves finite doses of a substance that are diluted in water, which amount to a higher therapeutic dose overall. In this form of medicine, individualized remedies are chosen based on the individual’s specific symptoms and presentation. Each person requires a different remedy based on their unique presentation. Homeopathy does not interact with any medications, making it quite useful especially if you are taking other medications.

In recent studies, homeopathy has been shown to be just as effective as anti – depressant medication in the relief of depressive symptoms. In addition, other studies have shown homeopathy to be 58% effective (

How can Physical Medicine help?

Physical medicine involves a number of different potential therapies. These therapies might include massage, naturopathic manipulation, ultrasound, laser therapy, electroacupuncture, or Gua Sha. The general effect of these therapies includes relaxation, increased circulation, decreased pain, and decreased inflammation. Similar to what was mentioned above, depression may be decreased or alleviated based on these potential effects.

Research has shown that patients with depression may benefit from massage therapy (

How can Lifestyle changes help?

Various lifestyle factors can play a role in depression. By improving sleep, exercise, scheduling, and stress management, it is possible that some individuals may have reduced depressive episodes. In addition, the way that an individual thinks can influence mood. By addressing negative thought patterns, poor sleep patterns, lack of exercise, or stress management concerns, one may experience decreased depressive episodes. Naturopathic doctors are trained to help individuals through lifestyle counselling, and can use methods use as motivational interviewing or cognitive behavioural therapy to do so.

Research is quite extensive regarding exercise and its benefit on depression. Even as little as two times per week has been shown to benefit depression (

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Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, please book an appointment with Elisha Cook at the RSNC (416-498-9763), and let me help you achieve your health goals.


Naturopathic Approaches for Frostbite

WinterWith the frigid cold temperatures that have been descending upon us, it is important to understand the signs and symptoms of frostbite and how to treat it. In addition to the first aid advice you might be given, I will also throw a “naturopathic spin” on it.

Signs and Symptoms

In frost bite, there are three stages, with the condition increasing in severity with the increase in stages.

Stage 1: Frostnip – in this stage, one may experience pins and needs that progress to numbness. The individual will also have red skin that feels cold.

Stage 2: Superficial frostbite – the skin will now be hard, pale, blue and cold, which turns to red sore skin after it thaws. The skin may also start to blister. In addition to this, the individual may have a burning sensation and swelling as the skin warms.

Stage 3: Deep frostbite – at this point, deeper damage is done in the form of joint and muscle stiffness, large blisters forming, and gangrene forming. In addition, tissues, nerves, and bones may even be damaged. In addition to these physical effects, the individual may also begin having effects to their cognition such as difficulty speaking, difficulty concentrating, some hysteria, etc.


In order to prevent frostbite, certain measures should be taken:

  • Limit your encounters in the cold when possible
  • Bundle up, making sure that all skin is covered
  • Wrap in layers to make sure you keep warm
  • Wear only dry clothing
  • Make sure you have adequate foot wear that is well insulated and keeps your feet dry
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking

First Aid Approach

When you first notice signs of frostbite, go into a warm space immediately. Start by warming up the individual gently, such as giving them a warm blanket. Do not immediately go to putting their hands in very warm water as this can actually make the frostbite worse. Once they have been gently warmed then you can proceed to provide a warm (not hot) shower or rinse. If the individual has superficial frostbite, it may be necessary to take them to the hospital. However, in the case of deep frostbite, the individual needs to be taken to the hospital immediately.

Naturopathic Approach

Please note that the naturopathic approaches are not meant to be done instead of the first aid approaches, but are rather meant to compliment them and support them. These therapies are meant to be added to the first aid approaches that you should be taking. There are several different approaches that can be taken from a naturopathic perspective to help an individual who is suffering from frostbite.

Nutrients: Vitamin B3 (niacin) helps with vasodilation, which means it helps to increase circulation and get warm blood to the extremities or affected part of the body. Vitamin C is also a great nutrient to help improve circulation in general.

Homeopathy: The homeopathic remedy Agaricus is a general remedy for frostbite that can be given to an individual that has frostbite. Based on the principle of like cures like, this remedy has the following symptoms, making it well suited for frost bite: Burning and itching on both hands as if frozen; body parts are hot, swollen and red; pain and inflammation in frostbitten toes; shooting pains in fingers and toes; burning, red, itching ears as if frozen; frostbitten nose itches; chronic inflammation of the nose after exposures.

Botanicals: Use warming herbs and plants AFTER exposures have resolved in order to make sure circulation has not been compromised to the affected areas. Such herbs include garlic, onion, cayenne, ginger, mustard, and cinnamon. During the exposure, the individual may consume small amounts of these items in order to gently warm from the inside out. In addition, these herbs can be applied externally to the affected part in order to improve circulation, however this should be done cautiously as some of these herbs can burn the skin. Testing the skin before use for sensitivity should be done. In addition, applying aloe vera gel topically to the affected parts can help with the burning sensation that the individual experiences. Coconut oil can be applied externally as well due to its soothing effect, as well as warming effect. You can also have the affected individual drink a warming substance such as black tea, and add in some honey as this can be warming. Please note that you should avoid alcohol as this can make the condition worse.

Hydrotherapy: As mentioned above, a poultice with warming herbs can be applied to the affected areas, with the cautions taken into consideration. Following the frostbite incident, undergoing contrast showers can help to improve circulation and can also have a warming effect by the end of the treatment.

Have you benefitted from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, please book an appointment with Elisha Cook at the RSNC (416-498-9763), and let me help you achieve your health goals.