Identity Crisis in Health

Talking to mirrorMany do not realize the large impact that one’s mental health has on their physical well – being. I begin this blog by saying this, because it is so important that we understand how impactful our mental health is on our overall health. If you believe you will not get any better, chances are you will not. However, if you believe that you will get better, and hope for that, chances are you will get better or feel better overall.

Though this does not apply for all cases, many a time I have seen what I call an “Identity Crisis” in health, which has a negative impact on one’s healing. Generally an identity crisis would consist of an individual not knowing who their true self is. What I define as an Identity Crisis in Health is where one identifies with their disease, and not their true self. So, for example, someone may say and identify with “I have Arthritis” as opposed to “I am Jane”. This may sound very strange, and you may be saying, “even if I had arthritis I would say my name is Jane, so what are you talking about?”

In some cases, individuals may get burdened with a condition or ailment that they suffer from. This can lead to depression and entering into a state of acceptance of this condition and one’s current quality of life. This state is often accompanied by thoughts of “I will never get better” and “there is no hope for me”. This can result in an Identity Crisis, where one begins to identify with that condition and accept the terms of that conditions. This can be problematic for some as it begins to alter how they live their lives and change how they relate to others. One may not want to do activities that they used to enjoy, without even trying, simply because they have a condition. The identity crisis can also impact how you feel about yourself and what you may say towards yourself (For more information regarding self-talk, please see my previous blog Positive Self-Talk, which explains how self-talk can impact you).

Though this state may seem harmless, it can impact an individual’s road to recovery. For some, it is hard to think of yourself as anyone but an individual with arthritis for example. It may be hard to imagine life as an individual outside of this condition. As a result, successful recovery may only come from an appropriate treatment plan in addition to changing your thought process. I often encourage individuals to believe that they have control and they can have a choice as to what they think. It takes a lot of effort and it is not easy, but it is possible with time and self – discipline. Focusing on the solution, where you will end up, and the state you hope to be in, may be more beneficial then continuing to think in previous ways that you have. And so, I challenge you to be the optimist and believe in recovery and hope for it. Challenge the thought that “you will never get better”, and start thinking “I can defeat this”. Do not let your condition define who you are and rob you of your true self.

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Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Elisha Cook via the contact portion of this website.




Adapting to the Season

A Climate Change Concept ImageRecently, I stumbled across some articles that pointed out some interesting information regarding the changes that occur within our bodies based on the season. The articles pointed out that our immune systems go through several different changes depending on winter versus summer months. Vitamin D levels are very much impacted based on the amount of sun provided, and so, levels are increased in the summer versus the winter. One of the studies also suggested that inflammation in the body is increased in the winter versus the summer. These changes could be due to a number of different things. Many instinctively suggest that the sun causes the changes, but I would also think that the changes that we make as individuals has a part to play as well i.e. diet and lifestyle changes. For example, exercise has a profound effect on our immune systems and level of inflammation in the body. I think it is safe to assume that many individuals are more active in the summer than they are in the winter.

Despite all of this, the article also expressed something very interesting. It stated that different immune system genes are turned on/off based on the season that an individual is in. My interpretation of this is that our bodies know how to respond and prepare for the season ahead of us. I think that this is something that we can take a little further when we discuss an individual’s health as a whole: body, mind, and spirit. Many of us try to keep up with the constant demands on us, regardless of the season. But similar to our bodies, it is important to adjust and adapt to our needs for that season. For example, in winter months, our immune systems may have to prevent a cold as opposed to in summer, we may be more susceptible to parasites because we are outside more. We need to take a similar approach when it comes to our mental health, and appreciate and allow ourselves to accommodate those different seasons. What I am suggesting is that it is okay to slow down, rest, breath and be at peace. However, it is also okay to have stress (in moderation) and be on the go. We need both and we need a state of balance. So often we do not take the time to slow down our pace and rest. If we are always in “fifth gear”, this mentality can only lead to burn out.

With this I prompt you to ask yourself “What season am I in? How do I need to respond to it?”, and to ask your body “What do I need?”, and provide that for yourself.

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Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Elisha Cook via the contact portion of this website.


Health Benefits of Sun Exposure

Autumn Girl enjoying nature on the field. Beauty Girl Outdoors rMany public health campaigns are aimed at reducing sun exposure to address potential skin cancer risks and concerns. However, completely abstaining from sun exposure in general could be more detrimental to your health than good. As with many of the recommendations I give, everything in moderation. That being said, 10-15 minutes of direct sun exposure (including not having sun glasses on but obviously not looking directly into the sun) can have many different health benefits. Please be aware that this timing might be different for individuals who are sun – sensitive or those taking medications that increase your sensitivity to the sun. It is also important to use sun protection when the UV index is above 3.

This blog serves to provide you, my readers, with some information on how your health may improve from soaking up some sun.

Vitamin D Production

It is difficult to talk about sunlight exposure without talking about vitamin D. Our bodies need sunlight in order to produce vitamin D, which could benefit many conditions including depression, cancer, colds, illness, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), immune functioning.

Improved Sleep

With adequate sun exposure, we allow the natural processes and hormone regulation in our bodies to take place, specifically for melatonin. When we are exposed to sunlight (or artificial light) in the mornings, we are able to produce melatonin sooner in the evening, leading to an easier time falling asleep at night. This has been shown to be beneficial for insomnia, premenstrual syndrome, and SAD.

Mood Enhancement

Neurotransmitters are also impacted by sunlight, specifically serotonin. Serotinin is what I like to call a “happy neurotransmitter”. It helps to elevate mood and bring about mental clarity in general when it is in adequate supply. Serotonin is directly impacted by melatonin, and so, serotonin becomes higher when we receive enough sunlight exposure. As a result, the serotonin received could help with depression, SAD, poor energy, and poor concentration.

Immune System Regulation

Sun exposure can aid the immune system through many different mechanisms. Ultimately it helps the immune system remove immune cells that might attack your own body (self – reactive T cells) and thus prevent or help with the management of autoimmune conditions such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis, Vitiligo, Multiple Sclerosis, Cancer, and some forms of Hypothyroidism.

Decrease Oxidative Stress

Though too much sun exposure can cause oxidative stress, adequate amounts can help limit oxidative stress. This can help with gene repair and limit DNA damage.

Increase Endorphins

Direct sun exposure has also shown to increase blood levels of endorphins, which could help to decrease pain and improve mood overall.

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Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, please contact Elisha Cook at the Contact portion of the website for more information.


Positive Self – Talk

Talking to mirrorWhat is Self – Talk?

Self – talk can be defined very simply, as talking to oneself either internally or externally. Unfortunately, many individuals speak to themselves in a negative way and do not realize it. Many speak such things to themselves as, “well that was stupid”, “how could I be such an idiot”, etc. This form of negative self – talk is not healthy, and can often contribute to and aggravate depression and anxiety. As such, it is important to consider what you are speaking to yourself, and adjust it to have a more positive connotation to it. When individuals engage in positive self – talk, it can have many positive effects including decreased anxiety, decreased depression, increased self- acceptance, increased self – esteem, increased resilience, and improved recovery following traumatic events. Speaking positive and loving words to oneself can often seem weird and be challenging initially, but can begin the steps necessary to recovery from various health concerns. Sometimes you have to “fake it until you make it”. Below, are provided for you various positive affirmations that you can begin speaking to yourself. Choose the ones that you feel you are in most need of hearing, and speak these to yourself at least once per day.

Different Positive Self – Talk Affirmations

The following is a list of different affirmations that you can begin speaking to yourself daily or whenever you need to hear love and encouragement from yourself.

“I am fearfully and wonderfully-made.”

“I am a unique person.”

“I am created an original person.”

“I am created for a specific purpose.”

“I will find my purpose and fulfill it.”

“I will not settle for copy status.”

“I was created to live in wholeness.”

“I am superior, not inferior.”

“I am efficient, not deficient.”

“I am effective, not ineffective.”

“I am competent, not incompetent.”

“I am not my mistakes, I am a competent person.”

“I am sufficient, not insufficient.”

“I am uncommon, not common.”

“I will not be afraid of the day I have never seen.”

“I will not allow fear to rob me of my purpose.”

“I will not condemn myself if I make a mistake.”

“I will find, accept, and work my purpose.”

“I will make right choices but things may never work the way I want them to.”

“Shame and inferiority will not defeat my purpose.”

“I am created to be an answer and I will be.”

“I do not have to let my emotions control me.”

“I am in control of my emotions.”

“I am good enough.”

“I am strong, confident, capable, and able.”

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Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, please book an appointment with Elisha Cook at the RSNC (416-498-9763), and let me help you achieve your health goals.