On May 6, 2023 from 10am to 2pm, we invite you to come to Plattsville Natural Health Clinic to help us celebrate 5 years of business! We have more details on what the day will look like and some sneak peeks.

Join us for:
*Draw prizes, because who doesn’t like winning! The picture is just a taste of some of the awesome draw prizes. Everyone who comes to our open house will get one ballot to enter into our draws. Want more ballots? See below for details on how to get more than one.
*Bring someone who has never been to PNHC before for the chance for you and that person to win a prize valued at over $250 (you will have to arrive on the day of to see what this great prize is)!
*Free 15 minute relaxation massages with Ben Tennant RMT.
*Light Snacks for you to enjoy while you learn about and celebrate with us.
*Clinic tour including our pedorthist’s lab where your custom orthotics are made.
*Demonstration of acupuncture.
*Colour our logo and get a prize!

Everyone who comes to the clinic will get a ballot to put into our draw. Want to get more ballots? No problem, just bring some loose change to donate to the charity we will be supporting on the day of: Naturopathy For All. We will be taking your loose change and trying to fill a pot for the tree to grow. We are hoping to have enough loose change to reach the top of the pot.
Naturopathy for All is a charity making naturopathy accessible for all (please see link for more information): https://www.naturopathyforall.com/ . Dr. Elisha Cook ND is on the board of directors for this charity, but does not benefit from any contribution you make.
Thank you from all of us here at PNHC for the last 5 years of business. We look forward to continuing to provide you with all of your chiropractic, naturopathic, massage therapy, pedorthic, reflexology and foot care needs. We cannot wait to celebrate with you on May 6, 2023!