New Service Offered: Lab Requisitioning

After several months of organizing and planning, I am pleased to announce that I am able to send patients for lab work. The question remains, what does this mean for you, how will this affect my care, and what is the cost?

What does this mean?

Traditionally, when a patient needs blood work done, they have to go through their medical doctor in order to get the testing. Getting blood work done this way can pose a problem for those that do not have a medical doctor, or individuals who may have to wait months before being able to see their medical doctor.

Now that I can order blood tests, you can get the exact blood work that would be requested for your particular case. That means: less of a wait time, and your concerns being addressed sooner!

Some other benefits from having access to potential blood work involves food sensitivity testing. Some patients would rather not go to the extreme of the elimination diet, and would rather do blood testing to see what foods they might be sensitive to. In which case, blood testing is an option and possibility through myself (contact me for more information if you are interested).

How will this affect patient care?

Overall, patient care will be affected to a lesser extent. However, with the opportunity of ordering blood work, I will be able to better see what is going on inside the body at a cellular or mechanistic level, to better help you reach your health goals. It would also offer the opportunity to know for certain what levels you stand at in regards to nutrients such as B12 and Iron, and know for certain if it is safe to supplement with them. In addition to what I have mentioned above, patients would have a choice as to whether to go through with an elimination diet or opt for food sensitivity testing instead.

What blood tests are available?

Many blood tests will be possible to be ordered, and too many to mention. However, some of the more prominent blood tests include:

  • Food Sensitivity Testing
  • Inflammatory markers: ESR, CRP
  • Rheumatoid/Autoimmune markers: ANA, RF
  • Cholesterol Panel
  • Thyroid Panel
  • Nutrient markers: B12, Iron, Ferritin, Vitamin D, Folic Acid

What is the cost?  

The cost for these services are dependent on the tests being ordered. With every test there is a lab fee $8. Beyond that, the tests vary in price. Though the blood work would not be covered by OHIP, you may be able to submit them for tax return purposes at the end of the year.

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Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Dr. Elisha Cook ND by calling 519-537-7058 and book your appointment today!