July 2018 Newsletter! – A new format

To my readers:

I have decided to change the format of my blogs to fit more of a newsletter format, where you will be able to receive more information about clinic events, recipes, and helpful information. In the July 2018 PNHC Newsletter, you will find:

  • Recipe: Gluten – free, dairy – free, egg – free, vegan cookies!
  • Article: What is Naturopathic Medicine?
  • Clinic Events: Dates for upcoming acupuncture clinics
  • A Personal Message from Dr. Elisha Cook ND: No man is an island – John Donne.

Please find the newsletter in the following link.

July 2018 PNHC Newsletter

Please let us know your feedback on our new format! We look forward to hearing from you.

Welcoming Pauline Holdsworth Holistic Nutritionist to PNHC!

We are happy to announce that we are adding a holistic nutritionist to our team at Plattsville Natural Health Clinic. As of Monday March 26, 2018 we will be booking clients for Pauline Holdsworth RHN. She is able to help you not only with meal plans and diet recommendations, but also with realistic ways in how to apply those recommendations. For more information on her services and what holistic nutrition is, please see below.

What is Holistic Nutrition?

Holistic nutrition involves recommending a balanced diet that incorporates whole foods and includes making small daily changes. It is through this approach that a holistic nutritionist assists in finding the root cause of your health issues. Her goal is to provide a natural approach that honours the body, mind and spirit. Allowing your body to find its own path to healing. A holistic nutritionist may use such tools as meal planning, recipe recommendations, a healthy shopping tour, or a kitchen cupboard tour to help you achieve your individual goals.

What are the services a holistic nutritionist offers?

Service Time Cost
Meet and Greet Consult 15 Minutes Free
Initial Consult and Secondary Follow-Up Two sessions 60 Minutes Each $150
Follow – Up Visits 30 Minutes $40
Healthy Shopping Tour 60 – 90 Minutes $70
Kitchen Cupboard Tour 90 – 120 minutes $150

How do I book an appointment with Plattsville Natural Health Clinic’s Holistic Nutritionist?

Call or text: 226-232-7665

Email: info.pnhc@gmail.com

Facebook Message: Plattsville Natural Health Clinic

Contact us through the “Contact” portion of this website.

Who is Pauline Holdsworth RHN?

PaulinePauline Holdsworth, is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, offering one on one consultations that will help assist in finding the root cause of your health issues. Her goal is to provide a natural approach that honours the body, mind and spirit. Allowing your body to find its own path to healing. Pauline believes that making small daily changes and eating whole foods can help you to attain optimal physical and mental health.

Pauline’s journey towards her career as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist began six years ago when she had multiple health issues that could no longer be ignored. From a young age she suffered from multiple illnesses like endometriosis, gluten sensitivities and Hashimoto’s. Frustrated with the conventional medicine being offered by her Doctor, she started researching for herself holistic remedies and quickly realized that she would have to go back to school to find her own solutions. Pauline completed the Holistic Nutritionist program at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition. After graduation, Pauline worked in health food stores where she gained knowledge on supplements.

Pauline grounds her practice on the belief that eating for wellness does not have to be complicated. Not your average Nutritionist, Pauline believes that if your morning coffee is none negotiable, she’ll work with that and won’t make you change it (truth be known she has a cup or two each morning to start her day). She wants you to succeed and embrace life lasting sustainable habits. Let her guide you on your journey to achieving optimal health.



The release of my new book! It is . . .

At the beginning of this year I had set out to complete my book, and I am happy to say that I have accomplished that goal! My book is titled:

“The Ultimate Guide to the Elimination Diet: Tips and Recipes to Better Your Health and Approach the Diet with Confidence”.

Many of my patients have heard about the elimination diet, but not everyone is familiar with it, and so, let me shed some light on it. The elimination diet is a treatment option that helps individuals that are suffering from many different health concerns including

  • Pain
  • Anxiety 
  • Inability to lose weight 
  • Fatigue
  • Stress 
  • Arthritis 
  • Muscle Pain 
  • IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) 
  • Constipation/Diarrhea
  • Brain Fog 

and the list goes on! That means if you want to lose weight, reduce pain, think clearer, and feel better overall, this diet may be right for you. The elimination diet is a way for individuals to identify which foods may be contributing to their health concerns, but also helps individuals to adopt more of a whole – foods diet.

Though this may sound simple enough, the diet is quite complex, complicated, and challenging. Many individuals struggle to follow it or incorporate it into their lifestyle even for a short time. I wrote this guide (and recipe) book as a way to help individuals overcome the hurdles of the diet. In the book, I have outlined meal plans, tips and tricks, many recipes for each meal (and sauces and dips!), and ultimately set out to help eliminate many of the struggles that individuals tend to encounter with the diet. I have based the book off of my clinical experience as well as my personal one. I was prescribed the elimination diet years prior by my ND before I became an ND and it was a struggle. I was miserable throughout it and could not figure out what I should eat. My diet was boring and basic, but I did complete it and I did learn a lot from the experience. I also learned my food sensitivities and improved my overall state of health from it. Following the experience, I set out to help others through the diet on their way to better their health. I have seen many individuals completely change their lives through this diet, and you can too!

If you have any one of the health concerns mentioned above and want to better your health, the elimination diet may be a treatment to consider. As I mention in the book, this diet is not for everyone or appropriate for everyone, and so, it is best to complete this diet with the supervision of a Naturopathic Doctor such as myself. If you are ready for change, send me an email or call our office (519-537-7058) to see if this is a good path for you to pursue. I offer complimentary 15 minute meet-and-greet sessions where you can meet me, ask your questions, and decide from there if you would like to see me or not (i.e. there is no obligation to book). You have nothing to lose by booking this session. Now is the time to take care of you.

In regards to my book, if you are interested in purchasing your copy, send me an email, call the clinic, or contact me through the Facebook page and I will gladly get you set up. In addition, I am offering the book as part of a package deal for those who may want to pursue food sensitivity testing. Both prices are outlined below.

  • The Ultimate Guide to the Elimination Diet: Tips and Recipes to Better Your Health and Approach the Diet with Confidence – $20 +HST per book (Total $22.60)
  • Blood Testing and Book Package (only available from August 1- August 30 2017) – get the food sensitivity testing (approximately $260 plus the book for an additional $15) (Total: Approximately $273)

If you have any questions about this treatment option, food sensitivity testing, or simply about how you can feel better today, do not hesitate to email me, message me, or contact our clinic and book your complimentary 15 minute meet-and-greet session today!

Have you benefited from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Dr. Elisha Cook ND by calling 519-537-7058 and book your appointment today!


Bullet-Proof Coffee – The Dairy-Free Recipe

BBullet proof coffeeullet-proof coffee has turned into quite the craze lately with Ketogenic diets and coffee connoisseurs alike. Often times the recipes require organic grass fed cow’s butter, an oil extracted from coconut oil, and coffee. I have decided to create my own version that is perfect for those who are dairy-free and are wanting a smooth tasting alternative to their “double-double”. I should warn that the fat content of coconut oil (don’t worry it is a good fat) is high, this coffee tends to be a bit higher in calories, but does have healthy fats and helps you to get them into your system in a pure form.


  • 2 tbsp coconut oil
  • ½ – ¾ cup coconut milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 3 cups of coffee (your choice on the blend and brew)
  • 1 tsp sugar OR 2 tsp honey


  1. Boil a kettle of water and place boiled water in blender – this will heat up the blender to keep the coffee from getting cold. You do not need to turn on the blender but just put the lid back on to keep the heat contained.
  2. Brew coffee as regularly would. Then when ready to combine ingredients into blender, empty blender of water.
  3. Combine coffee with coconut oil, vanilla, sugar/honey and coconut milk into blender.
  4. Blend ingredients until completely combined and mixture foams.
  5. Pour, serve and enjoy your coffee!

Yield: 2 mugs of coffee

Have you benefited from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Dr. Elisha Cook ND by calling 519-537-7058 and book your appointment today!