We are excited to share about a charity that PNHC’s very own Dr. Elisha Cook ND is a board member of: Naturopathy for All.
Naturopathy for All is a Canadian nonprofit with a mission to make Naturopathic Medicine accessible to all Canadians. With the healthcare system over-burdened these past 2 years, preventative medicine will play a big role in reducing that burden. Naturopathic Doctors have the ability to diagnose and treat a wide range of health concerns such as insomnia, high blood pressure, pre-diabetes, digestive concerns, poor immunity, mental health and more. For many Canadians, the only thing keeping them from seeking this type of care is the cost. Naturopathy for All with cover these costs and connect eligible applicants to licensed Naturopathic Doctors across Canada.
Naturopathy For All is hosting an online silent auction (who doesn’t love a silent auction) from March 1-March 8 2022, which can be accessed through the following link:
For more information about Naturopathy for All, you can access their website (see below), or find them on Instagram and Facebook.